CBRE Supplier Partner Event Terms & Conditions

25th March 2024

The following terms and conditions (the ‘Terms’) apply to each registration for, and all participation in, the CBRE Supplier Partner Event 2024 (“Supplier Partner Event”) organised by CBRE Managed Services Limited (registration number 01799580 in England and Wales), with its registered office at 61 Southwark Street, London, England, SE1 0HL (the ‘Organiser’) to the exclusion of any other terms that you, the Exhibitor or Attendee (defined below) applying for participation in the Supplier Partner Event (‘you’, and ‘your’ shall be construed accordingly), seek to impose or incorporate, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing.

By clicking on the “Accept” button where you are invited to accept these Terms, you agree to these Terms, which will bind you and your employees.  If you do not agree to these Terms, do not click on the “Accept” button and do not apply to participate in the Supplier Partner Event.

By participating in this Supplier Partner Event, you agree to these Terms so please read them carefully. These Terms include and incorporate by reference CBRE’s Global Privacy Policy.

This Supplier Partner Event is organised by CBRE, which reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to limit or deny access to any entity or individual. To be eligible to participate, you must be 21 years old or older.

In these conditions:

  • Registration” is the online registration form made available by the Organiser and completed and submitted by you to the Organiser in respect of the Supplier Partner Event;

  • Attendee” for the purposes of these Terms will include all additional attendees who have purchased an event only ticket;

  • CBRE” refers to CBRE Managed Services Limited;

  • Exhibitor” for the purposes of these Terms will include all Suppliers and Event Sponsors that have purchased a ‘stand’ for the event;

  • Registration Portal” refers to the online event registration website; and

  • Representative” is an individual appointed by you to represent you at the Supplier Partner Event in accordance with paragraph 5.

1. Event Registration

All registrations must be made through the online Registration Portal. You will have the ability to amend and/or update Attendee details through the portal up to 24 hours prior to the event.

All Exhibitors and Attendees will be sent a unique electronic ticket with a QR code which they must present in order to ‘check-in’ to the event. Once checked in, all Exhibitors and Attendees will be provided with a badge identifying them as a Supplier, CBRE or Client respectively. Sharing of Attendee badges is not permitted at any time. Badges must be worn at all times during the CBRE Supplier Partner Event.

2. Selection criteria

The Organiser shall allocate places at the CBRE Supplier Partner Event on a first come, first served basis.

If the CBRE Supplier Partner Event is oversubscribed, the Organiser will operate a waiting list system. Exhibitors will be placed on this waiting list on a first come, first served basis. Exhibition spaces will only be offered by the Organiser to those on the waiting list if additional space has been made available through a cancellation.

3. Acceptance

The staging of the CBRE Supplier Partner Event is conditional on the Organiser receiving a sufficient number of Applications to make the CBRE Supplier Partner Event cost-effective. The Organiser will notify you in writing no later than 60 days prior to the event if this condition has not been fulfilled and your Application has not been successful.

4. Representatives

You may be represented at the Exhibition by any of the following:

  • your employee(s);

  • an agent, who may represent you at the Supplier Partner Event without any of your employees accompanying them, and/or

  • a member of an associate office overseas.

Regardless of the identity of the Representative at the Exhibition, you shall ensure that all communications between the Organiser and you will be conducted in the United Kingdom and not with overseas representatives. You shall be responsible for ensuring that all communications reach your overseas representatives and for fulfilling all obligations under these Terms. You shall remain fully responsible for the actions of any Representative throughout the CBRE Supplier Partner Event.

You shall ensure that any agent you appoint as your Representative does not take a stand in their own right or in their own name and that such agent does not use an Exhibition for their own commercial interests beyond representing you. The decision of the Organiser as to whether any agent is using the CBRE Supplier Partner Event other than to represent an Exhibitor shall be final.

5. Code of Conduct

All Exhibitors and Attendees (and their Representatives) shall comply with the following provisions (the ‘code’):

  • Representatives must not market the services of any organisation other than the Exhibitor they are representing (in any manner including, without limitation, by distributing marketing materials) unless authorised by the Organiser.

  • At least one Representative shall remain on your stand throughout the CBRE Supplier Partner Event in order to provide effective guidance and counselling to visitors. Each Representative shall negotiate breaks with fellow representatives to ensure appropriate cover is in place at all times.

  • Promote a safe and sustainable environment and an enjoyable and successful event experience for all

If anyone is deemed not to be complying with the above code the Organiser reserves the right to take appropriate action. Continual breaches may result in the Organiser excluding the relevant person from the Supplier Partner Event. The decision of the Organiser as to whether there is a breach of the code will be final. It is your responsibility to ensure all Representatives are aware of this code.

We ask all Exhibitors and Attendees to adhere to our RISE values. We think it is important to do the right things in the right way. Trust and professionalism are at the heart of our relationships and our RISE core values are our trusted guide.

We act with consideration for others’ ideas and share information openly to inspire trust and encourage collaboration.

No one individual, no one deal, no one client, is bigger than our commitment to our company and what we stand for.

We approach our clients’ challenges with enthusiasm and diligence, building long term relationships by connecting the right people, capital and opportunities.

We focus relentlessly on creating winning outcomes for our clients, employees and shareholders.

6. Exhibition fees

All exhibition fees are set out on the Registration Portal.

7. Cancellation

Cancellation by the Exhibitor

If circumstances change and an Exhibitor is unable to attend the event, please immediately notify the CBRE Supplier Events team Cancellation charges may apply, as outlined below.

Time of exhibitor/sponsor cancellation before the event start date


More than 90 days

100% refund

Less than 90 days

0% refund


Cancellation by the Attendee

Attendee tickets are non-refundable; however, you will have the ability to amend and/or update Attendee details through the Registration Portal up to 24 hours prior to the event.

No refund will be made for non-attendance.  CBRE will accept name changes for your Attendees. Please update the online Registration Portal with any name changes 24 hours before the start of the Supplier Partner Event. 

Cancellation by CBRE

CBRE reserves the right to cancel, reschedule, amend or postpone the CBRE Supplier Partner Event as a result  of circumstances not within its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God; epidemic or pandemic (which to avoid doubt includes Covid-19 and any variants or threats of variants thereof); any occurrence which presents a serious threat to the health of delegates; terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots; any law or action taken or restrictions imposed by a government or public authority; and/or collapse of buildings, fire, emergency or accident.  In the event that CBRE has to cancel the CBRE Supplier Partner Event in such circumstances, CBRE will credit your payment toward the next year’s Supplier Partner Event.  Please note, CBRE will not offer refunds as a result of CBRE cancelling the event.  CBRE shall have no other liability in connection with the cancellation, rescheduling, amendment or postponement of the CBRE Supplier Partner Event in such circumstances.

8. Accommodation, travel, visas and freight

You acknowledge and agree that the fees for the CBRE Supplier Partner Event do not include accommodation, subsistence, visas, insurance, freight charges, international or domestic travel costs or other ancillary costs arising out of participation in the CBRE Supplier Partner Event.

9. Loss or damage suffered by you

Nothing in these Terms shall exclude or restrict the liability of either party to the other for death or personal injury resulting from negligence or for fraudulent misrepresentation or in any other circumstances where liability may not be limited under any applicable law. Subject to the immediately preceding sentence:

  • the Organiser shall have no liability for the damage, theft or loss of the Exhibitor’s property that occurs at the CBRE Supplier Partner Event. The Exhibitor shall participate in the CBRE Supplier Partner Event at its own risk and take out all appropriate insurances;

  • neither the owner of the Venue nor the Organiser accepts any liability for any accident, damage or injuries suffered in any way in connection with the CBRE Supplier Partner Event by you, your employees, agents, contractors, Representatives, invitees or any other person whatsoever;

  • the Organiser shall not be liable to you for: loss of profits; loss of business; depletion of goodwill and/or similar losses; loss of anticipated savings; loss of goods; loss of contract; loss of use; loss of corruption of data or information; or any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses; and

  • the Organiser's total liability in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise arising in connection with these Terms shall be limited to the fees paid by you to the Organiser under these Terms.

10. Loss or damage caused by you

You shall indemnify the Organiser against all actions, claims, suits, costs, expenses or demands (whether in respect of damage to property, personal injury or otherwise and including all legal costs and other expenses suffered or incurred by the Organiser) which any person may bring or claim arising in relation to the CBRE Supplier Partner Event caused by your breach of these Terms or any other acts or omissions of you, your employees, agents, contractors, Representatives or invitees.

11. Insurance

All Exhibitors must hold the minimum CBRE insurance level requirements as required via our mySupplier onboarding system.

Exhibitors who intend to bring anything larger than a pop-up stand and/or plan to build a ‘free-standing’ stand onsite, including bringing in any machinery, equipment and gadgets (e.g. vending machines, drones, electrical equipment/gadgets) will also be required to complete a risk assessment and provide their public liability insurance documents, both of which must be completed and uploaded via our Registration Portal.

12. General Conditions for the Supply Of Electricity

Exhibitors who bring electrical equipment and require electrical power must comply with the following requirements.

All labour working on electrical installation must have proof of their competence, i.e. BECA Registered or JIB Approved.

Exhibitors must indicate the number of plug points required and return the relevant form (available on the Registration Portal) to the official electrical Contractor no later than the deadline date together with payment for 100% of the value of the order. The supply cannot be guaranteed if the order is received after this date and may result in a surcharge of 25% over the prices quoted.

Exhibitors requiring electrical power or equipment not listed should send precise details to the electrical contractor and an estimate will be given.

ELCB protection is required for each stand.

No more than one appliance may be connected to any one socket and no lead must exceed 2.0 metres in length.

Queries about electrical circuits, apparatus, or work not carried out will only be recognised by the official contractor if notification is made to them before the close of the event.

13. Deliveries & Logistics

Due to vehicle restrictions at Old Billingsgate, E1 Productions are providing ALL offsite delivery and logistics services for the 2022 Supplier Partner Event. Please use the booking form on the Registration Portal to request a quotation for this service, no later than 23 August 2022, requests received after this date will not be accepted. CBRE accept no responsibility for ensuring deliveries are made.

14. Use of Venue, your stand and conduct at the CBRE Supplier Partner Event

You must not display literature on behalf of institutions that are not participating in the CBRE Supplier Partner Event. If requested to do so by the Organiser, you shall submit all promotional materials and displays to the Organiser for approval and to make such changes as shall be agreed. If agreement cannot be reached in respect of such promotional materials and/or displays, you must withdraw the relevant literature, material or display from the CBRE Supplier Partner Event. The Organiser reserves the right to close down any stand or reception area not meeting the Organiser's requirements. No promotional literature relating primarily to any Representative may be displayed at the CBRE Supplier Partner Event.

You shall not use the Venue for any illegal or immoral purpose and the Organiser reserves the right to remove all material that in its sole opinion may be considered offensive or obscene. You shall not use the Venue for the purpose of betting or gambling.  You shall not act in any way which may be derogatory or detrimental to the reputation, image and/or goodwill of the Organiser.

All goods and property brought into the Venue are brought in at the owner’s risk.

You are required to occupy your stand from the time notified to you by the Organiser and must have completed all work on preparing / dressing the stand in time for the CBRE Supplier Partner Event opening at such given time. You must not vacate or dismantle your stand before the agreed time and must have a representative staffing the stand at all times throughout the CBRE CBRE Supplier Partner Event.  Escalators and passenger elevators shall be dedicated for the use of passengers and you shall not block or use such escalators and passenger elevators to transport freight or equipment or material of any nature during the Supplier Partner Event.

You must vacate the stand by the time notified to you by the Organiser, remove all display material, exhibits, and other property from the Venue after closure of the Exhibition and restore each stand you use to its original good order and condition.

If you fail to observe the conditions set out above, the Organiser shall be entitled at your cost and expense to:

  • remove all display materials, exhibits and other property belonging to you or your Representatives and dispose of them in any way it sees fit; and

  • rectify all damage caused by you or your representatives and do all other things necessary to restore the stands and allocated space to good order and condition.

You must pay or reimburse the Organiser for all sums necessarily expended by reason of such default.

The Organiser reserves the right to eject from the Venue any Exhibitor or Attendee deemed to be acting inappropriately during the CBRE Supplier Partner Event.

You shall comply with all applicable legislation in force in England and Wales.

15. Intellectual property rights

You hereby grant to the Organiser a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to use your logos and trade marks (registered or otherwise) for promotional and commercial use in connection with your involvement with the CBRE Supplier Partner Event (including, without limitation in any promotional materials prepared by or on behalf of the Organiser for the CBRE Supplier Partner Event).

Except where these Terms expressly state otherwise, nothing in these Terms shall give either party any right title or interest in the intellectual property rights of the other or to any associated goodwill and the parties acknowledge and agree that all such rights and goodwill are and shall remain vested in the other.  Each party shall promptly notify the other of any actual or threatened infringement of any intellectual property rights of the other party which comes to its notice and at the request and expense of the other shall do all such things as may be reasonably required to assist in any proceedings in relation to any such infringement or claim.

16. Data protection

If any Personal Data are disclosed by the Organiser to you in connection with the Exhibition, you shall, in relation to such Personal Data:

  • Process the Personal Data only in accordance with instructions from the Organiser;

  • Process the Personal Data only to the extent, and in such a manner, as is necessary for the performance of your obligations under these Terms or as is required by law;

  • implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the Personal Data against unauthorised or unlawful Processing and against accidental loss, destruction, damage, alteration or disclosure.  These measures shall be appropriate to the harm which might result from any unauthorised or unlawful Processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage to the Personal Data and having regard to the nature of the Personal Data which is to be protected;

  • not transfer the Personal Data to any country or territory outside the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area without the prior written consent of the Organiser; and

  • take reasonable steps to ensure that such Personal Data are not unlawfully disclosed or Processed as a result of your access to such Personal Data.

In this paragraph 14, “Personal Data”, “Process” and “Processing” shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the UK Data Protection Act and in the UK GDPR.

You confirm that you have notified or shall notify any employees of your Company whose personal information you provide (the "Attendees") in completing your registration to attend the CBRE Supplier Partner Event.

You acknowledge and consent on your own behalf and will make sure to collect the Relevant Employees’ consent to CBRE and members of the CBRE Group processing such personal data as may be required for the purposes of: i) registration for the CBRE Supplier Partner Event via the online Registration Portal, ii) management and maintenance of the Registration Database, and iii) sharing of personal information throughout the event and via our Event app, which processing may include the instruction of a third party sub-processor. All such processing shall be carried out in accordance with applicable law. For more information about how CBRE processes this personal data, please consult the following link:

Please note that if you choose to have the QR code on our Event App scanned by an Exhibitor at the CBRE Supplier Partner Event, your name and contact details will be shared with that Exhibitor.

By attending an Exhibitor stand, you are authorising your registration information to be shared with that particular Exhibitor and agree to receive communications from such Exhibitor, which are subject to that Exhibitor’s privacy practices, including their privacy statement or policy.

You also understand that by choosing to allow your badge to be scanned by an Exhibitor, you are providing the Exhibitor/Sponsor with your personal information and in doing so you consent to the Exhibitor/Sponsor contacting you in the future about their products or services. You understand that you can opt-out of this contact at any time by contacting the Exhibitor/Sponsor. Badges cannot be read remotely and must be scanned before any details are shared with Exhibitor/Sponsor.

You understand that your badge will be scanned upon entry to the CBRE Supplier Partner Event and used in relation to event safety/security and that the event organiser may use this information in aggregate form to analyse/improve the event experience.

17. Use of Multimedia at the Conference

Exhibitor and Attendees: CBRE prohibits the use of cameras and mobile recording devices at the CBRE Supplier Partner Event. CBRE hires professional service providers (photo/video/audio/streaming) to document and showcase the CBRE Supplier Partner Event experience.

While attending the CBRE Supplier Partner event you may be photographed or recorded. CBRE, including agents, assignees, employees, affiliated organizations, and partners worldwide, may use these images or recordings for marketing purposes.

By attending the CBRE Supplier Partner Event you acknowledge and agree as follows: (a) CBRE may edit and use the footage it captures at the CBRE Supplier Partner Event for marketing and promotional activities and for any other lawful purpose in the ordinary course of its business; and (b) Due to the prevalence of mobile recording devices in today’s world, CBRE disclaims all liability for the capture of your image by Attendees in any multimedia format.

CBRE will retain all rights to these photographs and video footage for use in its own marketing and advertising.

18. Event Mobile Application

Push Notifications - when using the Event Mobile Application, you are presented with the ability to allow CBRE to send you event notifications. These notifications may include alerts, sounds, and icon badges. CBRE will utilise these notifications to communicate upcoming event features, reminders, changes in schedule, and important event information. These notification settings can be configured at any time within the settings section of your mobile device.

19. Termination of agreement

The Organiser shall be entitled to terminate on immediate notice its agreement on these Terms with you if:

  • you or any of your Representatives commit any breach of, or fails to observe, any of these Terms;

  • you become (or, in the reasonable opinion of the Organiser, are at serious risk of becoming) insolvent or unable to pay your debts as they fall due;  or

  • you fail to pay any sum due under these Terms.

In the event that the agreement on these Terms is terminated by the Organiser, unless otherwise agreed between the Organiser and you in writing, you shall pay to the Organiser any expenses or loss incurred by the Organiser arising as a consequence of such termination. The Organiser shall have no liability to refund the fees paid by you in whole or in part.

20. Disputes & governing law

Should there be any dispute in relation to these Terms or your participation in the CBRE Supplier Partner Event, the parties agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these Terms.

21. Notices

If either party wishes to give notice to the other party under these terms and conditions, the notice shall be send to


CBRE ©2024 All Rights Reserved. All information included in this proposal pertaining to CBRE—including but not limited to its operations, employees, technology and clients—are proprietary and confidential, and are supplied with the understanding that they will be held in confidence and not disclosed to third parties without the prior written consent of CBRE. This letter/proposal is intended solely as a preliminary expression of general intentions and is to be used for discussion purposes only. The parties intend that neither shall have any contractual obligations to the other with respect to the matters referred herein unless and until a definitive agreement has been fully executed and delivered by the parties. The parties agree that this letter/proposal is not intended to create any agreement or obligation by either party to negotiate a definitive lease/purchase and sale agreement and imposes no duty whatsoever on either party to continue negotiations, including without limitation any obligation to negotiate in good faith or in any way other than at arm’s length. Prior to delivery of a definitive executed agreement, and without any liability to the other party, either party may (1) propose different terms from those summarized herein, (2) enter into negotiations with other parties and/or (3) unilaterally terminate all negotiations with the other party hereto. CBRE and the CBRE logo are service marks of CBRE, Inc. All other marks displayed on this document are the property of their respective owners, and the use of such logos does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement of CBRE.